Partnering Together for Success
The Mounds View district Career and Life Transition (CLT) programs prepare young adults with disabilities for transition from secondary services to postsecondary education and training, employment, community participation, recreation and leisure, and home living. Programming addresses the individual goals and needs of each student in the three areas of transition (postsecondary education and training, employment, and independent living). Courses offered at CLT teach and assess learning using hands on, real world activities. The program’s vision is that people with disabilities will have opportunities to engage in living close to their family and friends, living more independently, engaging in productive employment, and participating in community life.
Show your school spirit! Starting this month, our apparel stores will be open year-round. Orders will be processed on the 10th of every month, with delivery approximately 3 weeks from that date. Find your school store and place an order at
- CLT Equity Commitment and Strategies
- Career and Life Transition Program Course Catalog
- Work based learning
- Helpful links
- Independent Living Resources
- Recreation and Leisure Resources
- Employment Resources
- Other Resources
- Staff Directory
- Lunch Menu
CLT Equity Commitment and Strategies
- The CLT staff is committed to the success of all students.
- Programs and services will be in place at CLT to ensure that race, class and disability will not predict students’ success.
- Courses offered at CLT will teach and assess learning in the three areas of transition (Employment, Post-secondary education and training, Independent Living) using hands-on real world activities.
- Programming will address the individual goals and needs of each student.
- The staff at CLT are committed to culturally responsive teaching and the culturally responsive classroom through, but not limited to, the use of equity and culturally responsive strategies in the classroom.
- Provide differentiated instruction and programming to address the unique needs of students
- Ongoing communication with students, parents and guardians to communicate progress, address needs, and provide support
- Commitment to problem solving with students and families when issues arise
- Commitment to role our roles as positive role models.
- Commitment to our professional roles as teachers, paraeducators, work coordinators, social workers, dean, and coordinator.
Career and Life Transition Program Course Catalog
Work based learning
All students participate in work-based learning as part of their CLT program. Work-based learning opportunities may include: paid work experience, volunteer service, job shadowing, worksite visits and career exploration and planning. Students benefit from work-based learning by acquiring workplace experience and work readiness skills, exploring career options, connecting with adult role models and increasing self-esteem.
Business Education Partnerships
What is a Business Education Partnership?
Business Education Partnerships are mutually beneficial collaborations between business and schools. Student experiences and activities take place at both the school and worksite.
Partnerships are individualized based on the needs of businesses and students and may include:
- Paid work experience
- Job Shadowing
- Worksite Tours and Visits
- Career and E-Mentoring
- Career Speakers
- Volunteer Experience
How do partnerships benefit business?
- Better prepared employees who understand workplace expectations
- Reduced recruitment and training costs
- On-going, on-site work training for students from CLT staff
- CLT supervisor to accompany students to work if necessary
- Assistance with necessary adaptations and/or modifications (ADA compliance)
- Completion of employment paperwork
- Improved morale of current workers
- Public Recognition to the Mounds View and Roseville Area Schools
How do partnerships benefit students?
- Acquire real workplace experience and work readiness skills
- Improve functional literacy skills including reading, math, writing and communication
- Explore career options
- Increase self confidence
- Connect with adult role models
- Expand opportunities
- Realize the relevance of their education and apply knowledge in a meaningful way
For more information about Business Education Partnerships please contact Nancy Krawetz - (651) 621-7983
Helpful links
General Links
- Budget Challenge (a personal finance challenge)
- Metro Transit
- Google Maps
- Casey Life Skills
- Metropolitan Center for Independent Living
- Kids Health
- Teens Health
Service Learning and Volunteer Sites
Independent Living Resources
Metro Transit: 612-373-3333
As part of CLT's transition curriculum, all students access to the community using the Twin Cities public transit. This is a valuable resource for getting to work, out in the community (if our students can get to Rosedale, they can literally get all over the Twin Cities!), going to concerts, festivals, fairs etc. If they need help remembering how to use the bus or light rail, there are tutorials to remind them. Transit users can access the Metro Transit website to plan trips, look up bus routes, check the balance of their Go-To card, add money to their Go-To card, and review how to take public transit, safety first rules, Rider Alerts, and NexTrip info etc.
Cell phone app: Metro Transit (Twin Cities) a free app that can be downloaded to a smartphone for trip planning, adding money to GO TO card, locating times of expected buses or light rail trains.
This is an on-line resource that is helpful to transition students. As part of CLT's curriculum, it is often helpful to see videos prior to engaging in a new activity or when trying to recall how to do something. Whether you need to fix, build, create, or learn, eHow gives you practical solutions to problems life throws at you! This is a useful website for tips on eating healthy, managing the home, managing money, etc. Each video is relatively short (less than 5 minutes) and easy to follow.
Minneapolis Public Housing Authority: Public Housing for Disabled Individuals:
HousingLink was established as a result of the 1995 Hollman v Cisneros Consent Decree, which sought improved housing conditions and greater locational choice for families participating in the Section 8 voucher and public housing programs. One provision of the decree stipulated that an affordable housing information clearinghouse be established to ensure that low-to-moderate income families have access to the affordable housing information they need. HousingLink was organized in 1997 as a 501(c)3 organization to meet this need, and we began providing vacancy information as well as training and support to housing service agencies. Since that time, HousingLink has become Minnesota's primary source for affordable housing-related openings, data, information and resources.
Applications are taken Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 am - 3:30 pm.
Fraser - Special Needs - Bright Futures:, 612-767-5180
Fraser Independent Living operates five apartment buildings designed for adults with developmental disabilities who can live independently with minimal support. Fraser is the only organization in the Twin Cities to offer this type of apartment rental program and has received national recognition for this unique model. The buildings are made possible through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Disability HUB MN: 1-866-333-2466
The disability Linkage Line is an informationand referral service for people with disabilities. The Disability Linkage Line can be reached statewide by calling toll-free, 1-866-333-2466. An Option Counselor will be available during regular business hours (8:30am-5:00pm) to provide one-to-one assisstance to help people learn about their options and connect with the supports and services they choose. There is no wrong call to the Disability Linkage Line. Inquiries include requests for information and referrals on disability benefits programs, home modifications, assistive technology, personal assistance services, transition services, accessible housing, employment, social activities, and disability rights.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 651-266-7900
Working to improve the lives of children and adults with mental illness and their families. It used to be that when you or a loved one had a mental health crisis, the only option was to call 911. Often this resulted in a police, not a health care, response. Now in Minnesota, across the state, there are mental health crisis services.
The crisis teams, made up of mental health professionals, can travel to the individual's location and assess the situation. They help the individual through the crisis by providing stabilization services, intervention services, crisis prevention planning, referral to other professionals (including in some areas rapid access to psychiatrists), and follow-up services.
The crisis teams are available by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. NAMI members are urged to call them when someone is suicidal, psychotic, exhibiting out of control behavior or threatening to harm themselves or others. In some areas there are also crisis homes, where adults can stabilize without going to a hospital or emergency room.
SafeZone - A Program of Face to Face:
SafeZone is located in downtown St. Paul on the southeast corner of Broadway and 4th Street.
Do you need help with food, clothing, or finding a place to stay? Visit SafeZone, a drop-in shelter for youth ages 14-24. Located in downtown St. Paul, we are open Monday through Saturday. Services offered at SafeZone include:
- Case Managers are available every day to assist you with finding shelter, housing, jobs, and more
- Clothing Closet: On-site clothing closet with hygiene items
- Computer Lab/Resource Room: Research jobs and apartments; complete your resume (assistance available!)
- Food Shelf/meals, sandwiches, and a hot meal are served daily. A small food shelf is available for emergency use
- GED Teachers are available Monday through Thursday during the school year
- The Independent Living Skills Program offers assistance finding housing and jobs, weekly classes to help you live on your own successfully
- Walk-In medical services are available- see hours above
- Walk-In counseling is available Monday through Thursday- see hours above
- All services are free. We can help you apply for insurance
Face to Face empowers youth to overcome barriers and strive toward healthy and self-sufficient lives.
Emergency Counseling:
Free, immediate walk - in counseling located in South Minneapolis. Additional sites in St Paul at Neighborhood House and Family Tree Clinic. Staffed by professionals, this resource offers immediate help to address depression, anxiety, chemical dependence, abuse, dependency, trauma, domestic violence and a variety of other emotional and interpersonal concerns.
News article regarding this resource
Outfront MN:
OutFront Minnesota provides this leadership by delivering programs and services to Minnesota's LGBTQ and allied communities in the areas of community organizing, public policy ,support, training, anti-violence, law, and community organizing, and resources.
PFLAG Twin Cities is a mixture of all the letters in PFLAG plus more (parents, friends, family and allies of lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual persons). The Board of Directors are parents, members of the GLBT community and/or allies. Our members and donors are from all walks of life and we have some people that we see only at PRIDE (our booth and parade float), some people that come only for our support groups and some people that come to meetings, support groups and PRIDE or any combination of these. Some people are just financial donors and never attend meetings or PRIDE. We guess that for these people some PFLAG chapter made a difference at some crucial time in their life and now they are saying “Thank you and keep up the good work!”
Our meetings are different every month and change in focus to whether they are primarily to support, educate, or advocate. Many come to our meetings that are struggling with transitions and changes as well as people that are happy, healthy and well-adjusted and past most of the difficulties of coming out. If we could have a larger number of people donate their time for meetings that fell into the second category (happy, healthy and well-adjusted and past most of the difficulties of coming out), we would be better able to serve the LGBT community. It seems that when people are doing better, they often stop coming to meetings. While this is completely understandable, people who are struggling can feel like they are alone and that their situation seems hopeless. Seeing peers that are in the same stages and well as peers at different stages can make a big difference.
Sometimes being honest with relative strangers first and working through some thoughts in a safe setting makes a big difference. Things said in family settings can be risky and sometimes just asking questions and hearing from someone who has come out and managed well can make the process less scary. (Parents and family of LGBT people come out in their own way too.)
Our Twin Cities chapter of PFLAG is not affiliated with any religious organization. We are a nonprofit civil rights organization with social justice and equality for all as our biggest goals. While we are not a religious organization, we do believe that people can make a difference (faith!) and that treating others with kindness and patience are great virtues.
Please join us for a program, meeting, support group, at PRIDE (in June), or ask us about speaking at your school, business, church or social event!
PFLAG Twin Cities meetings:
Union Congregational Church
3700 Alabama Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Our mailing address:
PFLAG Twin Cities
Box 19290
Minneapolis, MN 55419
Phone: 612.825.1660
Centers for Independent Living:
All Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are consumer-controlled, community-based, cross-disability, nonresidential, private nonprofit agencies for the provision of Independent Living services. There are more than 500 CILs in the United States, and numerous CILs all over the world. All CILs provide the following five IL core services:
- Information and referral
- Independent Living skills training
- Peer counseling and mentoring
- Individual and systrms advocacy
- Services that facilitate Transition from nursing homes and other institutions to the community, provide assistance to those at risk of entering institutions, and facilitate transition of youth to postsecondary life
Specific programs at the Metropolitan Center of Independent Living (MCIL) provides include:
- Housing Referral Services
- Transition program for young adults with disabilities
- Consumer-directed Personal Attendant Services program
- Ramp and Home Modification Project
- Disability HUB MN: Information, referral and assistance call center
- Nursing Home Relocations: Assisting people in relocating from nursing homes and institutional settings
- IL/VR Collaboration: a special project that enables MCIL to place IL Specialist in each of the 13 mentro area Workforce Centers and Vocational Rehabilitations Services locatios, addressing the IL needs of individuals seeking employment supports
In addition, MCIL has social events and classes in independent living such as driver's ed, cooking, finding and keeping a roommate, resume writing etc.
Recreation and Leisure Resources
We Love to Play:
We Love to Play
c/o Charlie Brose
6537 Riverwood Lane
Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
This is a program for people 18+ years if they wish to continue to play sports after their eligibility for adapted athletics has ended.
Low cost and scholarships available. Games played on Saturday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:30pm at the Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute of Golden Valley from September to April. The sports played currently are softball, football, soccer, and hockey.
Highland Friendship Club:
The mission of Highland Friendship Club is to serve individuals with disabilities from teens through adulthood by providing a wide range of opportunities to develop lifelong skills, friendships, and connections in their community. Although based in St. Paul (and supported by Minnesota Twins player Joe Mauer) this group is open to everyone in the metro area. Most activities have a fee but there are scholarship opportunities. Check out their calendar of activities...its huge! or call 651-698-4096
Upstream Arts:
Upstream Arts mission is to enhance the lives of adults and youth with disabilities by fostering creative communication and social independence through the power of arts education. Upstream Arts is the only art organization in the Twin Cities, and one of only a handful nationally, that is focused specifically on developing social and communication skills through curriculum-based arts programming for people with disabilities at every stage of life. We integrate individuals with cognitive, developmental, emotional, behavioral, and physical disabilities into multidisciplinary arts residencies designed to develop social/emotional and communication skills vital to success in school, work, and life. In our programs, local professional artists--including actors, musicians, poets, visual artists, and dancers--teach fundamental skills in a variety of art forms through fun activities that nurture self-expression, conversation, and group participation. Participants meet for 1-2 hours weekly over a designated period of time (most often 6, 12, or 18 weeks), usually in a setting werhe they already recieve services.
Upstream Arts
3501 Chicago Ave S
Mpls, MN
Simply Jane & ArtAble:
Simply Jane & ArtAble is a 501c3 Non-profit that offers art programming for people of all abilities. Simply Jane is a one of a kind art center in South Minneapolis where is everyone is a fabulous artist. The open art studio was founded by local artist Jane Elias in 2007, with a vision to create an environment rich with the therapeutic qualities of art making. A supportive staff of trained artists and teachers nurture creativity by overseeing open paint time and offering diverse art programming. Simply Jane became ADA compliant in 2012 and founded ArtAble to open doors wider for adults and children with special needs. Art Simply Heals! We provide art programming that is customized for all levels, abilities, and special needs. The studio has a ramp, automatic doors and equipment for accessible art programming.
Drop in anytime during our studio hours for open paint time. No appointment necessary. Schedule special sessions for groups, parties, field trips, private lessons, classes and more. Private appointments taken for groups of 5 or more. Call for rates and options.
Simply Jane & ArtAble
5411 Nicollet Avenue
Minneapolis, MN
(612) 354-3961
Social Skills Program for Teens. PEERS is a 14-week evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated teens in middle or high school who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends.
Our Dance Place:
What is "Our Dance Place?"
We are a club for developmentally disabled persons and people with disabilities who can get together with friends in a safe hassle free social environment, dancing, dining, talking and having fun with their friends.
Our Dance Place provides musical entertainment and support meeting the social needs of each member. We are exclusively promoting social welfare, to further the common good and general welfare of the people of the community. General admission is only $5.00 and family and care givers are free. Meals are provided at Fridley and Blaine by Banquets of Minnesota from $5.00-$7.00.
We would like to invite you to "Our Dance Place":
- Monday Night at Banquets of Minnesota Fridley, 5:00pm to 9:00 pm
- Monday Night at New Hope Community Church in Cambridge, Minnesota. 6:pm to 8:30pm
- Tuesday Night at Banquets of Minnesota Blaine 5:00pm to 9:00pm
- Wednesday Night at Forest Lake VFW, from 5:00 to 9:00pm.
- Thursday Nights at The St. Paul Union Depot from 6pm to 8:30pm
Interact Center:
Since 1996, Interact’s mission to create art that challenges perceptions of disability has opened doors for artists with disabilities and audiences eager to experience their work. Artists might never have seen the arts as a life choice, but now see the arts as essential to their humanity. With over 100 artists working in theater and studio arts, Interact is multi-cultural, intergenerational, and embraces the entire spectrum of disability labels. Located in St.Paul's Midway neighborhood.
Adults with Disabilities/ Community Bridge Consortium:
Our mission is to provide inclusive opportunities for adults with disabilities to build and maintain friendships, learn, serve and become active members of the community.
- Customized classes, recreational and social opportunities for adults with developmental cognitive disabilities
- Volunteer opportunities
- Sign Language interpreters
- Registration assistance
Employment Resources
Minnesota Workforce Centers:
WorkForce Centers help job seekers find employment, help businesses find workers, and help anyone at any stage explore and plan careers. With nearly 50 WorkForce Centers statewide, expert help is right around the corner. Workforce Centers offer classes, workshops and hands-on training to assist with your job search, creating work documents such as resumes and cover letters, and computer skills.
* Individuals with disabilities should ask to talk to a counselor from Vocational Rehabilitation Services when they visit a workforce center.
Minnesota Works:
An on-line, no fee, job bank for finding jobs and employees in Minnesota
Youth Farm:
Year round farming and leadership programs for youth ages 9-24. We farm to education and train through gardens and greenhouses. We cultivate leadership through planting, growing, and preparing.
AmeriCorps/Conservation Corps of Minnesota:
AmeriCorps is a national service program that addresses challenges in our communities through the dedicated service of its members. Members join to give back to their communities while gaining a foundation of marketable skills for natural resource careers. If you are 18-25 years old, interested in national and community service and want to gain job skills in natural resource management, youth leadership, or energy conservation, join Conservation Corps!
Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps:
At Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps, students receive the skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce - at no cost to them or their families!
In addition to academic training, Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps provides career technical training in several vocational trades.
- Building Construction Technology
- Certified Nurse Assistant
- Culinary Arts
- Health Unit Coordinator
- Insurance Claims Processor
- Medical Administrative Assistant
- Office Administration
- Painting
- Transportation Communications Union (TCU): an advanced career training that is affiliated with railroads, airlines, and barge industries
- Students must complete HS diploma or GED and a basic training program on the Humphrey campus or other Job Corps centers to qualify
Young people interested in joining Job Corps are invited to visit the Job Corps Recruiting Website or call (800) 733-JOBS today!
Newgate School:
Newgate is a nonprofit automotive technical school located in the Twin Cities. We offer auto body and auto mechanics training for unemployed or under-employed adults.
Students pay no tuition or fees. What they get from showing up and working hard is priceless: vocational skills, a work ethic and the personal confidence needed to succeed in a career. Newgate graduates become certified as auto technicians within 18 months. Then it's off to work in jobs that start between $25,000 and $30,000. Newgate has an exceptional job placement rate. You'll find Newgate graduates in the auto industry throughout the Twin Cities.
Students give back: As part of their training, students refurbish donated cars and vans for Newgate's "Wheels for Women" transportation assistance program. These vehicles are provided at no cost to promising single working moms to help them transition off welfare.
All of us at Newgate share the pride of our graduates who are now supporting their families, doing well in their work, paying taxes and contributing to our community.
ULEAD: Young Adult Employment Program:
U LEAD (Learn, Earn, Attain, Develop) helps young adults, ages 14-24, prepare for future careers by helping them gain skills, confidence and experience in the world of work. U LEAD participants work with employment counselors to reach their education and employment goals. While engaged with U LEAD, young adults can:
- Explore career options.
- Get assistance finishing high school, a GED or college.
- Apply for college and financial aide.
- Learn how to search for and secure a job.
- Get placed in a paid work experience for the summer.
- U LEAD Application (PDF)
- U LEAD Summer Application (PDF), U LEAD Summer Employment Flyer (PDF)
To learn more about eligibility visit job seeker services or call 651-770-4468.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS):
A free employment services program for adults with disabilities. Individuals are eligible if they have a physical or mental condition that might make it hard to work, and if they have demonstrated need and could benefit from VR services to prepare for and keep a job. Services are individualized based on need and may include: helping individuals understand interests and abilities, arranging for informational interviewing and career exploration, assistance finding on-the-job training or college programs, and job placement. CLT students typically apply and begin working with a VR counselor during their final year in the program. CLT staff assist in this process.
Goodwill Easter Seals Employment Training and Education Courses:
Goodwill-Seaster Seals Minnesota training courses prepare individuals for careers in a variety of industries, including automotive service, banking, contact center, construction and medical office. Training courses are available at the Twin Cities metro and St. Cloud areas to those who meet eligibility requirements and complete required prerequisites. Participants earn a certificate upon meeting graduation requirements. Plus, placement and support services assist students obtain employment and advance in their careers. Our industry-specific training programs are developed in partnership with local businesses and workforce development experts. To see if you qualify, you must attend an information session where a staff member will assist you with eligibility and application requirements. Information sessions are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 1:45pm at the Goodwill Easter Seals Minnesota, St. Paul Campuses. Contact the following link or number for more information.
Other Resources
Disability Law Center:
The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the designated Protection and Advocacy System (P&A) for Minnesota and addresses the unique legal needs of Minnesotans with disabilities. MDLC provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities statewide on legal issues related to their disabilities. All individuals with disabilities are eligible to receive help, regardless of age or income level.
Volunteer Lawyer Network of Minnesota:
This organization provides civil legal assistance to low income people. They also have walk-in clinics around the Twin Cities that provide free, 20 minute legal advice.
Law Help Network of Minnesota:
A resource for low income people in the state of Minnesota. It is an additional, helpful resource for legal services that involve Families and Children, Housing, Consumer Debt, Seniors, Work and Immigration & Immigrants. Also disability discrimination, discrimination, Health care, public benefits, taxes. The Legal System, abuse, Violence and crime victims, Youth Law & Education, Veterans, Farm, Native Americans, Internet Fraud and Criminal Expungement. The website has easy to understand Legal Aid fact sheets and a LiveHelp expert to chat with.
Client intake for Legal Aid:
Minnesota State Attorney General:
This is a huge, easy to search resource on many many topics. Everything from rental rights, to taxes, to charitable scams. They also will mail (free of charge) booklets on all of their topic. They can be contacted via the internet, phone and they always have a booth in the Education Building at the State Fair.
Minnesota enjoys very easy access to the right to vote. Minnesotans with disabilities as well as residents with guardians are encouraged to exercise their right to vote.
Resources include: Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State provides easy step by step directions to registering to vote along with how to vote resources, ballot information and basic civics information! Students who have taken the CLT voting class have explored this site and have voted!
In addition, each county maintains a voting website that is also helpful:
Ramsey County:
Post-Secondary Education
Mounds View Public Schools Adult Education:
Mounds View Adult Education offers a variety of classes and programs meant to improve the education and quality of life for the citizens of our community.
Roseville Adult Learning Center:
The Roseville Adult Learning Center is here for adults who want to succeed in learning. Our licensed teachers will work with you one-on-one, in small groups, and in classroom settings. Daytime and evening classes are available.
Minnesota State Career Wise Education:
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system of distinct and collaborative institutions offers higher education that meets the personal and career goals of a wide range of individual learners, enhances the quality of life for all Minnesotans and sustains vibrant economies throughout the state.
Minnesota Programs of Study:
Use this website to learn what combination of classes and activities will help you prepare for your future. A Program of Study is an academic and career plan developed by your school to help move you towards a college and career path.
Staff Directory
Lunch Menu
Career and Life Transition Program
1895 County Rd C
Roseville, MN 55113